Dec 14, 2008

How to Buy a Good Digital Camera

by: JerremyGrey

Digital cameras are growing in demand and use. The capturing of images without the need for film is the greatest advantage of the digital camera. A digital camera although with many functions does not need the complicated mechanical components of a standard film camera.

With the upsurge of home computers it means that almost anyone can store and then play with the images on their own pc. A series of ones and zeros is how all digital information is stored and a digital camera images are no different. Digital cameras still use lenses in much the same way that conventional cameras do. All the budding digital camera enthusiast needs to know is that despite the difference in how the image is captured, the ultimate effect is the same.

A feature of the better quality digital cameras is that they have a sensor that converts light into electrical charges using a different system to their less expensive cousins. Some people believe the device used to capture an image in cheaper digital cameras the CMOS will eventually be the replacement for the better CCD but this is highly doubtful.

The CMOS device is this reason that many cameras have come down in price so much as they are easier and cheaper to produce than their CCD cousins. The digital camera converts the light it receives like millions of minute solar cells and both the CCD and CMOS end up storing an image but just using a different method to do it.

If you find yourself in the market for a digital camera then some useful information is listed below.

From the point of view on having good quality photos, look for a high megapixel camera as it will be worth it and you may find a model that is being superseded at a discount as well.

Always choose a digital camera with an optical zoom as the optical zoom of a camera will enable you take pictures without any distortion.

Don't waste your money on standard disposable batteries as rechargeable ones nowadays are very affordable and long lasting which could save you hundreds of dollars on standard ones.

Many people are just happy to point and shoot but if you want your camera to do a little more than try to buy one with more functions. Think 512MB as a bare minimum with today's high resolution cameras so if you're a photo junkie you can takes pictures of just about anything.

Digital cameras are now very tiny compared to a few years ago so you can actually carry around a high spec camera in your pocket and still be able to take fantastic pictures. So by doing this you won't feel as if you are a journalist or nature photographer wherever you go.

These are just the basic things you have to look for in a digital camera when you buy one. With their range of features and ease of use, digital cameras are the future of photography.
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