Dec 11, 2008

Photography Hints For Beginners

by: DanielEdwards
No One Will Have Told You About
Contrary to what many will have you believe learning beginners tips and tricks in photography just isn't that hard. There are of course differences
between the old film cameras and the new Digital cameras which you will need to be aware of.

Taking advantage of these differences with the new digital format is really going to help you. And the truth is this stuff really isn't rocket science.
Never be limited again
With the digital format we are now hardly limited at all when it comes to the number of photos we can take. Never again will you have to pay for a
whole load of prints that you didn't even want.
It is a good idea though to make sure you keep your photo collection tidy by removing or editing those photos that just don't quite cut it or are too much
the same. This really is essential since otherwise you will probably never find your good photos.
Ways to best go about storing your digital photos
One great way to save on space is to save your images in a lower resolution format. Lower resolution images can take up considerably less space,
although you will lose some quality so you may want to experiment a little bit.
You will only need a high resolution for your photographs if you need a crisp image for a large printed photograph. If you are only going to use the
pictures online or with a computer, you can use a lower resolution setting.
It is also possible with many cameras to change the compression rate/format that your camera saves its images in. Again this means you can save
space for extra photos on your memory card.
You should increase your storage space because eventually, you will run out. This will instantly bring your level of fun down if you were planning to
take pictures and you cannot because you just ran out of memory.
The dreaded battery issue
Your camera's batteries are so important for using your digital camera. The first thing that will probably go wrong is a battery that has run out of juice.
If you are running low on battery power, avoiding overuse of your LCD digital display should help significantly to lengthen your cameras usage time.
Not using Flash will also help a lot.
If your camera doesn't use its own special power pack, make sure you are at least using good rechargeable batteries and that you have several
charged replacement sets of batteries ready with you at all times.
All amateurs, no matter what their level of experience, can enjoy digital photography for beginners. You can be proud of your images, right from when
you first get your digital camera.
You will learn that it is easy to go from digital photography for beginners to the next level of photography, as you get more comfortable with your digital


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